Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Confederation Park School

The school thet im going to in Vancover is called Confederation park school. Confederation park is prity small cinpared to our school in winapeg. Confederation has a music room and a dance room and a gym and a library and some class rooms and it has a prinsables room and it has some portabols outsid because they cant fit all the class rooms in the school. My teachers name is Ms. Collins Ellies teachers name is Mrs. Safarik and Hannahs teachers name is Ms. Parmar. The music and dance teachers name is Mrs. Ishii. I am glad I got Ms. Collins because she is really nice. I have a very special friend in my class her name is Heloise (the 'H' is silint). I have some other friends to but Heloise is a special one. Confederation park is really closs to our house so we walk every day when its sunny. Confederation park school is a prity good school but im ixited to start a new school in Winapeg called L.C.S! But I am going to miss Confederation park school!

This is my teacher Ms. Collins and me.

This is me on the monkey bars at school.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Green Couch

When my mom and dad got mareyed they bot a green couch. I really love that green couch. It is really soft and comferbol. My mom and dad naw think it is really ogly and they want to get rid of it. Me Ellie and Hannah all really love it and we dont want to get rid of it. So my mom and dad took a pitcher of the green couch and they put it on Craigslist. It is like Kijiji. Some people wanted to come and look at it so they came to our house to look at the green couch. So they came to our house to look around. We were eating supper when they came in. There was a hole grop of people thet came in. One of the boys mom was coming to Vancover so they were going to set up an apartmint for her to stay at. When they saw the couch they said yes right away. The couch was free but they also bot a carpit from us so in totle it was 50 dollers. So they put it in to their truck and they drove away. When they were gone I started to cry because I really love that green couch but my mom said that if no one came for the couch then we would put it in the domp! Then my dad said thet at least someone bot the couch insted of just throuing it in the domp. Then I stoped crying. And naw im not to sad anymore im just a little sad. Im going to miss that couch. I love that couch!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Things I Like

These are some of the things I like:
  1. pigs
  2. monkeybars
  3. candy
  4. T. V.
  5. Junie. B. Jones
  6. presints
  7. puzzles
  8. games
  9. Bassball
  10. Basketball
  11. strawbarys
  12. nutella
  13. mommy
  14. daddy
  15. Ellie
  16. Hannah
  17. Ms Collins
  18. pizza
  19. summer
  20. spring
  21. swimming
  22. dancing
  23. singing
  24. piano
  25. my friends
  26. computers
  27. school
  28. spelling tests
  29. playmobile
  30. my trampolen
  31. Full House.