The school thet im going to in Vancover is called Confederation park school. Confederation park is prity small cinpared to our school in winapeg. Confederation has a music room and a dance room and a gym and a library and some class rooms and it has a prinsables room and it has some portabols outsid because they cant fit all the class rooms in the school. My teachers name is Ms. Collins Ellies teachers name is Mrs. Safarik and Hannahs teachers name is Ms. Parmar. The music and dance teachers name is Mrs. Ishii. I am glad I got Ms. Collins because she is really nice. I have a very special friend in my class her name is Heloise (the 'H' is silint). I have some other friends to but Heloise is a special one. Confederation park is really closs to our house so we walk every day when its sunny. Confederation park school is a prity good school but im ixited to start a new school in Winapeg called L.C.S! But I am going to miss Confederation park school!
This is my teacher Ms. Collins and me.
This is me on the monkey bars at school.